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Kevin Witchey


July 28, 2024

Week of July 29th

MONDAY - 240729


15 double DB front squats (50/35#)
12 strict pull-ups
50-ft handstand walk


TUESDAY - 240730


Complete 4 rounds for reps:
1:00 plank hold
1:00 single DB box step ups (24/20") (50/35#)
1:00 deadlifts (225/155#)

No rest between rounds.


WEDNESDAY - 240731

"Rio de Janeiro

Complete 3 rounds for time:
100 double unders
2 rope climbs
400m run


THURSDAY - 240801


Complete for time:
21 hang power snatches (95/65#)
42 push-ups
15 hang power snatches
30 push-ups
9 hang power snatches
18 push-ups


FRIDAY - 240802


Complete for load:
Back squat


SATURDAY - 240803


Complete 20 rounds for time with a partner:
7 push presses (115/75#)
100m run
7 burpees

One partner completes a full round at
a time before switching for 10 rounds each.


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