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Kevin Witchey


August 25, 2024

Week of August 26th

MONDAY - 240826

"CrossFit Total"

Complete for load:
1 rep max back Squat
1 rep max shoulder Press
1 rep max deadlift


TUESDAY - 240827

"Freaky Friday"

Complete 5 rounds of 0:40 work, 0:20 rest, for max reps:
Shuttle runs (25' = 1 rep)
Alternating single-leg squats
Wall walks


WEDNESDAY - 240828

"Sky High"

Complete for time:
30 Russian KB swings (53/35#)
6 rope climbs (15')
30 Russian KB swings
6 rope climbs
30 Russian KB swings


THURSDAY - 240829

"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

EMOM 15:
1 power snatch

"School of Rock"

Take 8 minutes to work up to a max height box jump


FRIDAY - 240830


Complete 3 rounds for time:
15/11 bike calories
11 burpees over sandbag


SATURDAY - 240831

"The Breakfast Club"

200m sandbag run (50/35#)
10 handstand push-ups
15 wall balls (20/14#)


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