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Kevin Witchey


August 18, 2024

Week of August 19th

MONDAY - 240819

"Jamie Tart"

Complete for load:
Box squat
6x3 (85% of 1RM)


TUESDAY - 240820


Complete 10 rounds for time:
100m KB/DB farmers carry (50/35#)

After each round, complete:
Odd rounds: 25ft handstand walk
Even rounds: 8 handstand push-ups


WEDNESDAY - 240821

"Coach Beard"

Complete for time:
25 burpees
50 sit-ups
25 burpees
50 sit-ups
25 burpees

Every 2:00 starting at :00 complete 10 wallballs


THURSDAY - 240822

"Keeley Jones"

Complete 5 rounds for max reps:
:30 pull-ups
1:30 rest
:30 overhead squats (135/95#)
1:30 rest
:30 row calories
1:30 rest

Record total pull-up reps, overhead squat reps, and rowing calories.


FRIDAY - 240823

"Dani Rojas"

Complete 3 rounds for time:
120 double unders
45/35 calorie bike
800m run


SATURDAY - 240824

"Roy Kent"

Complete for time:
21 deadlifts (275/185#)
15 hang power cleans (205/145#)
9 squat clean thrusters (135/95#)


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