What is Bring a Friend Week?
We know that working out is more fun with friends and family. We also know that what makes Topside so special is the incredible people inside of our community. Bring a Friend Week is your chance to bring friends and family in for a FREE week of classes to experience not only the workout but the fun that we have in getting fit.
Complete 9 rounds for time:
12 Alternating DB snatch (50/35#)
12 sit ups
21 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 30 seconds of goblet squats (53/35#)
Minute 2: 30 seconds of box jump overs (24/20")
Minute 3: 30 seconds of biking/rowing
Score = box jump over reps in round 6
Against a 12 minute clock:
800m run
Then in the remaining time:
10 pull-ups
5 push jerks (165/115#)
Complete for time:
Knees to elbow
Burpees over DB
With a partner, 18 minute AMRAP:
20 thrusters (135/95#)
400m run
Run together. Split thrusters as needed.