Complete for time:
Hand-release push-ups
Wallballs (20/14#)
Complete 7 rounds for time:
200-m run
10 DB box step-overs (35/20#) (24/20")
Use two dumbbells.
Complete for time:
Handstand push-ups
Hang squat cleans (115/75#)
Complete for time:
30 sumo deadlift high pulls (75/55#)
1:00 plank hold
30 lateral burpees over the barbell
1:00 plank hold
30 sumo deadlift high pulls
1:00 plank hold
30 lateral burpees over the barbell
Plank hold time is accumulated.
Complete for time:
Bar muscle-ups
Shoulder presses (135/95#)
Complete 8 rounds with a partner:
400m run
Max calorie row or bike
One partner runs while the other rows or bikes for max calories.
Athletes switch when the runner returns.
Each partner will run and row four times.